St. Anthony's Parish Community
Weekly Meetings
Rod Soriano’s Bible Study
Bible Study will be every Monday, at 7pm until 9pm in Ferraro hall. Everyone is welcome to come and learn about the bible.
Eucharistic Adoration
Adoration is the 1st, 2nd & 4th Tuesday of the month at 8:30am till 7PM with Benediction.
Sunday Mornings: 9:15AM – Main Church
Mondays 7pm via Zoom
ZOOM ID# 325 853 2121 PASSCODE: lordJesus
Monthly Meetings
Rosary Altar Society
Regular meetings are the 2nd Monday of the month from 7:00-9:00PM, Rosary & Benediction in church. Meeting follows in Ferraro Hall.
Filipino-American Mass
3rd Sunday of each month at 5:00PM in the Main Church with fellowship following in Ferraro Hall.
Parish Advisory Board Meeting
The Parish Advisory Board (Parish Council) The next meeting will be held on (date to be announced) in Ferraro Hall at 8:00pm.
Youth Group
The Youth Group had their first meeting last October 15th, 2017. Come and join our Youth group!
Monday & Saturday afternoons 12:30 PM Wednesday & Friday evenings 7:30 PM (Volunteer workers are most welcome, please call the rectory 973-481-1991) Please call 973-759-1417 for Bingo times, cancellations and other information concerning Bingo.